Tuesday, November 28, 2017

SUDOKU Solver based on Common Table Expression CTE in MySQL 8.0

SUDOKU is an interesting problem.   Using SQL to solve this problem is not anything magical.

An interesting twitter post from


Thanks to  Vadim Tkachenko

The following SQL with MySQL 8.0.3 RC1, the New Feature "Recursive Common Table Expression/CTE" enables the easy way of this SUDOKU solver.

select @myproblem:='..41..2.3........12.....8..82.6.43.....8.9.....67.2.48..5.....64........3.7..69..';

        my19(n) AS (
        SELECT 1 AS n
        UNION ALL
        SELECT 1+n FROM my19 WHERE n<9
select substr(@myproblem,(n-1)*9+1,9) as sud from my19;

select @t:=sysdate(6);

        input(sud) as (
        select @myproblem
        digits(z,lp) as (
        select '1', 1
        union all
        select cast(lp+1 as char), lp+1 from digits where lp<9
        x(s,ind) as (
        select sud, instr(sud,'.') from input
        union all
        select concat(substr(s,1, ind-1), z, substr(s, ind+1)),
        instr( concat(substr(s,1,ind-1), z, substr(s, ind+1)), '.')
        from x, digits as z
        where ind> 0
        and not exists (
                select 1 from digits as lp
                where z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1) div 9) *9 + lp, 1)
                or z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)%9) + (lp-1) *9 + 1, 1)
                or z.z = substr(s, (((ind-1) div 3) %3) * 3
                        + ((ind-1) div 27 ) * 27 + lp
                        + ((lp-1) div 3) * 6, 1)
        my19(n) AS (
        SELECT 1 AS n
        UNION ALL
        SELECT 1+n FROM my19 WHERE n<9

select substr(s,(n-1)*9 + 1,9) as ans from x,my19 where ind=0 ;

select @t as start_time, timediff(sysdate(6),@t);

The Output from the above SQL is shown as follows :

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